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writings:: PLURFrom eluna@coil.com
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 18:00:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: eluna
To: mwraves
Subject: a one-sentence post by ed (?)
PLUR is just an acronym; nothing more or less than a _symbol_ for things which everyone should already be working for in our scene and in the outside world...this takes WORK, WORK, and more WORK, so stop blabbin "PLUR! PLUR! PLUR!!" like an idiot and let's come up with some _concrete_ ways of acting on the words which make up that acronym...as well as dealing with a whole host of other words and concepts (positive and negative) like "trust," "integrity," "racism," "sexism," "specieism," "cultural appropriation," "history," "representation," and so on...which very few of us on this list seem willing to try.
"PLUR everyone!!"
(woops that's two sentences)
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